Monday, December 14, 2020

Invisalign: At Which Age Should You Opt for This Treatment?


The most sought after orthodontic treatment today is Invisalign in Glendale that has gained immense popularity. The reason behind its popularity is obvious that you get to wear an invisible set of aligners that are barely visible to anyone. Furthermore, they also work wonders on your orthodontic issue. Apart from that, they are extremely comfortable and can be removed as and when required. 


Many people wonder as to the age that is suitable for Invisalign treatment. It would be apt to say that the age limit is not there as such. However, it is always advised by the expert Orthodontist Glendale that once you have got all your permanent teeth you can think about treating your orthodontic issue with Invisalign treatment. 


Is there an Ideal age for Invisalign?


As mentioned earlier, your permanent teeth should be out before you opt for the Glendale-based Invisalign treatment. Apart from that, wearing these aligners requires you a level of maturity to understand how this treatment works; taking care of the aligners and wearing them for a specified amount of hours. Therefore, you require to be mature enough to be a good candidate for Invisalign.


Age does not matter because the issue to be treated with the Glendale orthodontics like Invisalign assumes importance. However, it can be said that Invisalign works well for young children, teens as well as adults depending on the issue to be treated.


Young children in the age range of 6-10 years can begin their Invisalign treatment which is known as Phase I to give a boost to the development of jaws, straighten teeth, and to make space for the permanent teeth, and so on. 


For teenagers, having their permanent teeth is a must before the aligners can be used by them. Along with that, discipline and understanding to wear aligners is another quality that is necessary for teenagers. 


Adults belonging to different age groups ranging from the 20s to the senior years can conveniently undergo Invisalign treatment provided by our trusted Glendale orthodontist. They should explore the best options for this purpose. 


For those of you who are still confused as to whether you or your child can choose Invisalign as a treatment option can visit our clinics. Our Glendale braces and Invisalign experts will guide you further and devise the best orthodontic treatment plan according to your age and orthodontic issue for a perfect solution.

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